Welcome to the Brow of the Hill Residents' Association Website

We are a group of citizens who live in the Brow of the Hill Neighbourhood of New Westminster, BC. We meet regularly at the Public Library to discuss neighbourhood issues, as well as brainstorm solutions. When necessary, we bring in City staff to assist with a variety of matters in our community.

What is your concern? Parks and Rec ? Developments? Traffic Issues? Whatever your concerns, we are here to help.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

November 2008 Meeting

The next meeting of the Brow of the Hill Residents' Association will be Wednesday, November 26th from 7pm until 830pm. This meeting will be held at the John Robson School Library (Queens Ave and 8th St).

An agenda will be sent out soon to those of you who are on the mailing list. If you have any additional items you would like to add to the agenda, please email Rick at kirkleycarswell@telus.net

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