Welcome to the Brow of the Hill Residents' Association Website

We are a group of citizens who live in the Brow of the Hill Neighbourhood of New Westminster, BC. We meet regularly at the Public Library to discuss neighbourhood issues, as well as brainstorm solutions. When necessary, we bring in City staff to assist with a variety of matters in our community.

What is your concern? Parks and Rec ? Developments? Traffic Issues? Whatever your concerns, we are here to help.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

April 2008 Meeting Minutes



April 22nd 2008
7:00 pm to 9:00 pm
Plaskett Room, New Westminster Library


Rick Carswell - President
Ken Bourdeau - Secretary
Jaimie McEvoy - Past-President
Judith Berlin - Resident
Gillian Wright - Resident
Brian Nisbet - Resident
John Davies - Resident
Alison Kirkley - Resident
Susan Pearson - Resident


Keith Coueffin - Manager, Licensing and Integrated (Strategic) Services
Patrick Young - Licensing and Integrated Services
Claude Bouliane - Licensing and Integrated Services
Carolyn Armanini - Planning Department

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm


It was MOVED and CARRIED that the minutes of the March 25 2008 meeting be adopted.


Keith Coueffin, Patrick Young and Claude Bouliane, Licensing and Integrated Services

Keith provided an overview of his Department’s recent enforcement activities in the Brow of the Hill. He listed a number of recent success stories related to cleaning up problem properties in the neighbourhood.

Keith provided a brief overview of a number of City bylaws that are used by his department during their enforcement activities, namely: Business Regulations & Licensing (Rental Units) Bylaw, Unsightly Premises Bylaw, and the Business License Bylaw.

Provided an overview of the department’s Housing Integrated Services Team (IST) and their various enforcement strategies, such as Demolition Orders, Tickets and Direct Enforcement.

General discussion ensued about various topics related to the Licensing and Integrated Services department.

3. PRESIDENT’S REPORT (Rick Carswell)

Brought up the topic of meeting minutes and the how they should be displayed on the Association’s website. General discussion in the group ensued and it was decided that less extensive minutes should be taken at meetings and displayed on the Associations website.
Provided an overview of the Residents’ Association Summit which happened on April 8th 2008 at City Hall. At the summit, topics discussed were Density Bonusing and Development Cost Charges (DCC). Both of these are currently under review by the City. The City will be conducting a public consultation process on Density Bonusing, two public sessions will be happening this week, April 23rd from 7 to 9pm and April 26th from 1 to 3pm, both at Century House.


12th Street Society

The society is working with the City to get better quality trees for the section of 12th Street that is currently undergoing improvements
General group discussion about this issue.

Police Committee

There hasn’t been a meeting for a while, and it doesn’t look like there will be one for a while.
The police department is still encouraging residents to call the non-emergency # to report suspicious activity.

Traffic Committee

The idea of a pedestrian overpass in the area of Stewardson Way and 6th Ave is on the city’s radar again.

Bike/Pedestrian Committee

It looks like the contractors have begun work on the Central Valley Greenway, on Columbia Street. Preliminary work has begun to paint lines on the roadway, for the bike lanes.

246 Sixth Street

The proposed development at 246 Sixth St (6th St & 3rd Ave) is before the Advisory Planning Commission (APC) tonight. Once the APC has reviewed the proposal it will go before City Council in the near future for approval.
The 246 Sixth St development would be required to pay approximately $175 000 as an amenity contribution to the city. It was suggested that the developer could pay $5000 for a new movie screen at the Massey Theatre. However, funding for a movie screen does not qualify under the City’s current Amenity Contribution Program. The developer has agreed to pay his required $175 000, plus the cost of the movie screen.


St. Barnabas Garage Sale

The St. Barnabas/ Brow of the Hill Multiple Family Garage Sale will be happening on Saturday, May 3rd from 10am to 4pm, proceeds will go to St. Barnabas and their various community programs.
As a group we need to distribute the flyer to as many places as possible to make this a success, suggested places were: Elementary Schools, Library, Local Business.
We also need people to provide stuff to sell and to volunteer on the day of the sale.

Wish List

A preliminary Brow wish list has been compiled of information obtained from the last meeting and various email exchanges. Once the list has been refined it has been suggested that we present our wish list to City Council.


Toronto Place Park

The Parks Department contracts have started work on the improvements to Toronto Place Park, including the drainage, signage and statue, which is tentatively called the ‘Puddle Jumper’.
On Tuesday, May 13th 2008 at 1pm there will be an official grand opening ceremony which will tentatively be attended by Mayor and Council, John Robson Elementary PAC, Douglas College Musical Band, and approximately 100 John Robson students.
General group discussion ensued about this topic, as well as city’s Public Art Policy.
8. Neighbourhood Reports

9. Good and Welfare

10. Adjournment/Set Next Meeting

· The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 27th 2008 at 7pm in the Library Auditorium.

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