Welcome to the Brow of the Hill Residents' Association Website

We are a group of citizens who live in the Brow of the Hill Neighbourhood of New Westminster, BC. We meet regularly at the Public Library to discuss neighbourhood issues, as well as brainstorm solutions. When necessary, we bring in City staff to assist with a variety of matters in our community.

What is your concern? Parks and Rec ? Developments? Traffic Issues? Whatever your concerns, we are here to help.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Brow of the Hill Wish List

An ongoing intiative of the Association is to complie a 'Wish List' for the neighbourhood. Once the list has been refined, it has been suggest that we present our wish list to City Council.

A preliminary wish list has been compiled of information obtained from our March meeting and various email exchanges.

- A walkability assessement in our area.
- Various traffic calming initiatives, including a general traffic calming plan, in light of the bridgehead changes being undertaken at the Queensbourgh Bridge.
- Possibility of having electrical wiring underground.
- Saving the Gasworks Building.
- A community garden in Moody Park
- The possibility of more public art.
Contact Rick Carswell to add more ideas to the list: kirkleycarswell@telus.net

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