Welcome to the Brow of the Hill Residents' Association Website

We are a group of citizens who live in the Brow of the Hill Neighbourhood of New Westminster, BC. We meet regularly at the Public Library to discuss neighbourhood issues, as well as brainstorm solutions. When necessary, we bring in City staff to assist with a variety of matters in our community.

What is your concern? Parks and Rec ? Developments? Traffic Issues? Whatever your concerns, we are here to help.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Toronto Place Public Art Unveiling

This is a copy of the City's Announcement, taken from the May 10th 2008 City Page, about the Public Art Unveiling In Toronto Place Park.

"On Tuesday May 13 at 11:15 a.m Mayor Wayne Wright and Council will be joined by children from John Robson Elementary School, Brow of the Hill Residents' Association and community members to unveil the new plaza and public art sculpture at Toronto Place at the corner of 8th Street and Royal Avenue. The sculpture is a "Puddle Jumper" - a five year old boy in slick yellow rain gear standing on a rock ready to jump into a puddle.

All interested community members are invited to attend the unveiling ceremony and celebrate the whimsical piece of art produced for public enjoyment."

Here are some pictures of the new public art. Click on the imagines to enlarge them.

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